Wednesday, June 4

Not Always WORDS :)

Words - used to express our thoughts , share our ideas and convey our feelings.

Not always we need words to express or convey what we are going through. At least , not to our beloved ones.

Even our silence or a gesture will help them(our loved ones) depict more than what words  actually do.

As someone truly said - "Hold on to the ONE who understands our SILENCE to WORDS we  SPEAK"  



I feel BLESSED when you WISH me
I feel STRONG when you STAND by

I feel HEAVEN with your PRESENCE

I smile at you in JOY
I yell at you in ANGER
I scream at you in FRUSTRATION
I laugh with  you in DELIGHT

You stay PATIENT  smiling at ME

At times I go NUMB, hard to EXPRESS
Wonder if my STATE will make you LOW
I stay SILENT revealing NOTHING

Yet YOU know what I go through

CURIOSITY  holds me no longer , I PESTER you
Not Always Words, you say           

                                                                                       © Rahul Raghotham 


  1. Wow! You have yet again mesmerized me with a beautiful poem. And wat an idea, sir jee! I wonder how u get these ideas to write on.... :) May be an old adage fits u here - "jahan na pahuche Ravi, whan pahuche Kavi!!" means "A poet reaches whr even sun can't reach!!!"

    Recently passed away, Maya Angelou said- I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Words speaks, Action shows..and everything is forgotten by the time, but not how U made some one feel...and your poem is just extension of it. Unsaid things, unspoken facts remains with us forever....

    Wonderful effort! Appreciated!

    Keep writing and keep posting!! :)

    1. Woha ! I just tried to pen down the views , i had in my mind. Good that you like it. Thanks!
      Absolutely true what Maya has said :)
