Wednesday, December 17


I'M - Dream of poor, struggle of common and status of rich. 

Day in and day out you all put in your best efforts to sustain your lives by working hard. Few of you get your wishes fulfilled, few of you undergo the process of struggle and few of you still dare to think of the life you want to live.  

The moment you attain the self goals you have to be happy.Irony is that neither of  you are happy (most of the cases) .Poor envy rich for the things they got because of me and Rich envy poor for the peace of mind they have.

Question is are you  HAPPY and PEACEFUL  because of  ME or CONTENTEDNESS?

You start day with my thought
You envy me for everything i gave 

I'm the reason for the bread on your plate 
I'm the reason for the people around you
I'm the reason behind fragile relationships
I'm the reason for the negative shades in you
I'm the reason for the best life

I'm only the means for your happiness
I'm only the means for the people who stand by you
I'm only the means at times of crisis

In the race of achieving me,you lose peace
In the race of achieving me, you lose character
In the race of achieving me, you lose time
In the race of achieving me , you lose everything

                                                                          © Rahul Raghotham

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