Tuesday, June 16

Follow Heart !

The life is turned out so unpredictable these days , unlike past.We are so used to extremities in life - from suffering to enjoying. Seems like life is black and white and we have no time for the nuances . Stuck in the vicious circle of life , we have forgotten to monitor and focus on our interests and hobbies.I'm no exception.I have stopped - to ponder , to listen music  or even enjoy.

Being keen to focus on my interests and break the routine , I logged into my blog to pen an idea.Before I could write my idea, a mail caught my eye, held my curiosity as i read.The mail held my nerves and thoughts so void , a question kept hunting my mind - What  was I doing all this while ? Will I ever have the guts to change the path and perceive something useful or at least can I do something in my own boundaries without changing anything in my life. 

A long outstanding conversation with self told that at least take a step to tell the story of a person who did something worthful , may be sometime sooner or later you would definitely do something on similar lines. And when you visit your own article you can suffice your own conscience that you have done it.  

So , here it is , A  story of a person who followed her heart pushing the best career she had in hand.

The story in her own words:

"I have always believed that one should help those whom we deem to be needy.But our busy lives , ambitions and strive to touch the sky justifies us to be greedy.We make ourselves believe no one "asks" without perhaps a sinister ulterior motive.We pretend to "care" but we don't. We pretend to "listen" but we are only talking.

It's the age when you decide what you want to pursue in your life as career. Looking at the circumstances and the incidents happening around, a notion preoccupied in my mind was to be a "DOCTOR" and serve the poor.Finishing my bachelors I moved abroad to pursue my masters in medicine. During my stay in overseas , I have seen myself along with friends doing odd stuff to support the living and not giving any alms to the needy.

All the time I believed  - " Earn more to share the alms to the needy".

As the time passed I finished my masters and still doing nothing for the poor which was the actual motto to study medicine, moved to motherland with a job in hand which paid me decent salary. I joined the job with many hopes and started working ., this went on for few months . The incident that happened one day made me revisit my thoughts and decisions.

It was sometime mid August on a rainy day ,  when I was returning from my work on my usual ,  something happened within me made me realize that I am no different to others while I'm supposed to be one.

I saw a little girl getting drenched from head to toe with no cover on head and barely any good clothes to withstand the rain , asking me to buy 5 roses for just 10 rupees , which she apparently sold to support self. I asked her to go(usual trait of everyone) , and she left without saying anything. With in split seconds after she left I questioned self , " What was I doing?" .  I earn fine , spent 200 rupees on a lousy movie in a money minting multiples few minutes back , I couldn't have helped her ? Not just with the girl but generally in life ? Working on "Gyann" which will never benefit the poor. Perplexed, I looked around , hoping I could find her , talk to her , but I was late, she was gone beyond my eyesight. I have visited that place so many times in anticipation, but I have never found her.That day I stopped my practice and joined a NGO to pursue my dream.

Most of the foreign NGO's have no idea whats in real , they go by records just records.I pledged that I would not be a preacher of NGO policy or blindfolded one to the things happening around which at least I can reach out to the right person to get the work done. I have helped kids with their school fee , have tried to understand how little children in "homes" ( I mean orphanages , I just don't like the word though) , I am trying to bridge the gaps in time and geography so that I can start teaching these children.
But ! I will never be able to forgive myself for that on day when I have been so insensitive.Wish to meet her soon.

Life is not all black and white.It is supposed to be a RAINBOW. To feel the essence of it, we need to stop every now and then - to cherish the colours of life , feel the beauty around , more importantly to LIVE than just breath".

If at least one of us could change our perspective towards life then the effort of sharing this story will be meaningful. 

 As  Cesare Pavese says ,

Lets have a MOMENTS filled LIFE .

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