Tuesday, April 29

Words Do Fall Short ! :)

Words - One of the most powerful asset God gave to humans - speak , convince, convey, share our feelings , ideas and many more to others.

At times , words fall short to describe what we go through. It so happened with me as well on my Birthday(23 Apr)  :)

The Day started off well with the blessings and wishes of family, friends and acquaintances. Everything was good but the idea of being away from parents on Birthday is inexpressible, never missed to maintain a SMILE though. (Not my usual way: P My mood swings at jet speed: D )

The day was as it was supposed to be – high and calm . I had received many messages on this day But the surprise of the day started when I had received this pic as part of my b’day wish.

Simple , Elegant and Beautiful at the same time. I so liked it !! :D

Things turned even more surprising when friends brought this cake to celebrate my b'day.

Amused. Elated. Surprised.Awestruck.

Chocolate cake penned with my Blog Name  :) Yay !!

The love, care, warmth and support received from Suresh - One who can bring curve to your lips even in the tough times, Jayasree - Killer Conversationalist , Deepa - The Geek , Akhil- Tall Guy  and Vandana - A fellow blogger (http://vandana-shree.blogspot.in/) ; is worth more than million bucks .

Hardly been in the blogger world and so much of support from friends is so Overwhelming!! :)

This act of theirs left me with so much JOY that words fell short to express the emotions I have gone through at that point of time. Thank you is a small word to convey my feelings but it’s bad on my part if wont thank them.

“Thanks” a lot guys for making the day so memorable :)
I would like to thank all of them who made my day so special!!

Saturday, April 26

KID(s) Do Teach !

People have doubts on todays generation Clarity , Vision and the upbringing of kids ? Yeah we do , is your answer.

Watch the promotion video of Hindustan Unilever Limited and you will be surprised to see that younger generation is more positive in their attitude and thinking process.

The positive points that i inferred from this video :

1. Be a DO 'er.
2. Be an Initiative taker.
3. Be environment friendly.

Being a part of mother Earth its our responsibility to - not only enjoy the fruits of nature but also preserve them , which can be done by following few simple steps

1.Throw wastes in the bins allocated.
2. Have a healthy n well being attitude .Take steps to act accordingly.
3. Preserve the environment for self and for the next generations to come.

If you got anything to share or add , please drop your ideas either by mail or by comments and it will be addressed :)

Be positive , Stay positive and Learn positive !!

Tuesday, April 22


The incident took place yesterday made me learn the best way of thanking people who help us.
Eager to know, WHAT? Here you GO!

After a day stress in Office I was on my way back home. The journey to home was so no new either to me or the roads- invite numerous people day in and day out to carry out their daily chores to earn bread and butter. 

I wait at the junction for traffic signal to turn GREEN so that I can walk home. Suddenly, I feel someone next to me. But, I paid no attention. It was pretty common  for Me., people do struggle in the chaotic Bangalore traffic, pushing each other in order to reach the respective destined places. Still engrossed in my Smart phone switching the tabs for music, what’s app and not to mention Face Book (FB) (Addiction, I Say :P ) with ear phones glued to ears.

I feel the person next to me holding my Denims. I gaze away from my Smartphone and  a Boy, probably 2nd or 3rd standard student, three feet tall dressed in men’s salwar with a religious white cap revealing his religious status –Muslim, a bag of books in hand. I guessed it to be the Holy book – Quran! Firstly his attire. Secondly, he just walked out of “The Mosque”.

Boy, tugging his fingers to my Denims, tries to cross the road and finds it difficult. People who are so acquainted with Bangalore traffic also have tough times crossing the road. No wonder if this young kid had trouble moving to the other side of the road.

I smiled, took off earphones and hold his hand. He turns to me in an approving manner and SMILES back. It  filled my HEART with so much of JOY, probably even my favorite CHOCOLATE ICE-CREAM at that moment would not have given me :D :P

The kid is so amused to look at big cars, vehicles, bikes moving and irritated at the same time to wait for long at the junction. In the mean time, the signal opens and I ask him to come.

He is so happy to cross the road, he holds my hand and we reach the other end of the road in no time. The moment we reach the other end, the boy pulls me down. I bend down so that his eye catches mine. He instantly gives a HUG, plants a kiss on my cheek and runs away.

Before I could even register what has happened in less than two minutes, the eight year kid had taught me the best way of saying THANK YOU!!

The best thank you are not the thankyou notes , a expensive gift ..it can be in the most common/blatant actions  like a smile or a peck.

An ACTION of GRATITUDE is more affectionate  to a  word of THANK YOU!! Agree, Don't You? :)

You too have something to share?? Please Do!!

Love to Read :)

Thursday, April 10

ADD ME :) Oh ! Really ? :O

Titles are always Deceptive :D As the title says “ADD ME”  doesn’t refer to “ADD ME “ , I don’t mind if you do ;) :D 

I am referring to our Social Network Guru “Facebook” - one of the most commonly used network site to keep in touch with pals , relatives , acquaintances so on and so forth.


Among all the stuffs in FB ,  I feel  ‘ADD ME’ is the most craziest one .


‘ADD ME’ ??!! Mind starts whirling - ‘WHY’ ?


Almost everyone in today’s generation is accessing  FB just like Voter Card , Aadhar Card , DL , Pan and  etc which marks his status in Country and FB Account is  the status symbol for him to make his/her mark online among  peer group . 

The idea of maintaining “network”  using  Social Website has changed its meaning and purpose. In the whirl of having more number of friend list , you send and receive “Friend Request” to each and every one , The Known and Unknown. 

Guys , doing this you get a trip to ‘Guinness World Records’ (A Question. :D  Really ??!!) . 

The excitement of a friend request dies as soon as you look into it. Reasons being Neither you “know” them nor the account reveals something about them .As it contains some crazy DP and About tab says “Welcome to MY WORLD” as if it is some building or palace or some fantasy place. Few members go ahead and mention “ UNBELIEVABLE “ blah...blah...blah..

Probably the scenario happened with me could make you understand well.
I happened to receive a friend request last week from an “Unknown”. Before I could take a call on what needs to be done .I thought of having a look of person’s profile.
The moment I looked into it . I was really amused to see a DP of “G.Bush”. I was not elated seeing the DP rather commonsense of mine asked “Boy, Why on earth Bush needs your Friendship?”

Curiosity to know more about the person I started surfing his profile . I was stunned to see these  in “About” Tab.
Gender : NA(Could not view anything :P Is he/she a GAY?!)
Interests : People  (But WHY?? The people in your LIFE do not appeal you any more ;) :D )
About : Crazy World Welcomes you (Now which world you build in ?? :O :O )

Reading this , I just ignored the request and went on with my usual stuff . Suddenly I see a message from the sender.”Please Accept my Request”

I replied “ WHY??”

Oh! Boy, We are working on “Networking” was his reply. 



I replied this way :

If Networking is your objective  then can you please answer them . 

No guts to display your face ? Why you need to be friend with unknown ?

Could not portrait yourself well, You wanna have ‘N’ number of friends?


Why the hell in the world you gotta need ‘N’ Friend list where you can’t spare time for SELF!   


Go get some LIFE and spend time with people WHO VALUE it .

He instantly cancels his Friend Request. :D :

Guys, people do not have time to spend on these kind of stupid things .

You either get a straight answer or a Symbol :D ;)


The only intention to present this is to ask  “THEM” . “WHO” does this !!
If my presentation still hurts and breaks the SOFT HEART zillion times , who is trying to extend his/her HAND for ‘Network’. 

I would recommend you for MUSIC THERAPY – sow some  SENSE into your CEREBRUM :D :D

At the end “REAL is REAL and VIRTUAL is VIRTUAL”.

Value SELF and PEOPLE around YOU !!