Tuesday, July 1

WHAT ? I Can't Hear You :D


Reading Book??!!

You MAD !?

This is one of the customary answer you get to hear , when you reveal that you have learn't an interest i.e., Books - to your peers , folks and acquaintance(s) . They fear and worry as if the whole world burden is  on them to save you from this new hobby .

What will happen to this boy ? Oh ! BOY !!

People who have misconception that reading would kill their productive time and afraid of getting tagged as NERD or GEEK by fellow beings.

Let me tell you the traits of this interest .Probably it might open your view  right and help you understand why people who are acquainted by books are no FOOLS !

  1. Investment : This is one of the best interest someone can invest on , hardly hundred(s) or maximum thousand - economical you know :D  . Not because it gives an instant result but definitely makes you a person you haven't thought of , provided you read the right stuff. Every penny you invested will be payed off .You shall never be disappointed on your money invested because it's not the milk that splits it's the word that impacts your nervous system to grow big and good .

  2. Perception : The more you read , the broader is your view , the deeper is your understanding and finally the analysis of a given situation / complexity will allow you to precept things out of box and make you stand UNIQUE.
  3. Time : Oh! Yes ! Every second you spend with the right book is well utilized . You will never repent for the time spent on finishing the book. 
  4. Hunger : The hunger for learning more , knowing things right and better increases exponentially . You look around for things ; nothing but for one thing - “BOOKS” 
  5. Texture : Before you could realize what impact books do , you change completely. Your texture improves - right words used at the right moment. You learn to use “LANGUAGE” right . 
  6. Patience : Finishing a book or learning a new thing is no cake walk . You got to be absolutely patient . With time you learn and put this new art in LIFE as well , to deal things when the situation is no right .

  7. Ideas : Given a situation you would think realistic and genuine . Given a place you would think how beautiful you can make the moment and cherish it later . Given the time you would love to cherish with a “book “.
  1. Friend : It's not a dog / cat that stays with you in adverse situations . But it could be a real booster when people turn you down or walk away from you. Books shapes you not physically but mentally , motivates you and helps you in going forward in LIFE.
As the saying goes  - "BOOK is one thing in world which never turns it face to reveal the TRUTH”

My dear Book Haters you got something to say ? HELLO !!

WHAT ?  I Can't Hear You :D 

LIFE is BLISS with a BOOK  :) 

Happy Reading :-)   


  1. Nice article.
    Marx once said- "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." Even I believe so, the smell of a new book, the undeterred determination to finish it in one go, the unbounded journey with every book... I guess, only a voracious reader can relate to.
    Still many people consider readers as loners, un-social and sometimes even crazy! Thanks for putting it in such wonderful words. Hope people take cue from this and understand people with this reading-bug better!! :)

    Keep writing and keep posting! :)

    1. Thanks :-) Yeah , hope the right intention is reached right ;) :D
