Tuesday, July 8

You've CHANGED ! I Did ? :O

The monotonous busy life left no space to myself or to the people in my life. Having got some time today I gave call to few of them . I was so excited prior the call .I had many things to share and listen but the words uttered from their mouth at  the first instance was hard to digest.

"You've CHANGED"

The moment I heard them;  I felt so bad  of myself for not calling in regular intervals to know and share the whereabouts of each other . Immediately the conscious mind asked me " Did they ever bothered to call or check on you ?"

"No",spontaneous answer I could HEAR from inside, as its the naked TRUTH .

"So, stop blaming yourself as you are not the only one to be blamed. Even they do share the same amount of blame as you hold", said the voice,from inside.

Thoughts revolved in my head as whirlwind. I could not comprehend anything from them. At the end, after weighing the points, I realized it's not me who kept the distance growing consciously ,in reality,  it was obvious that I ended up keeping busy for whatsoever reason just like YOU .

In fact, you gave me constant rants on getting into best college, you sermon me a life without good education / good job  is nothing, You preached me on "work is worship", so i striven to give more than I have to!!

You were happy at my success levels as it fueled your social respect .

Today, you are telling me , "I Changed!"

I was a  TOY in the blame game , which I never dreamed  of. Just because I'm not in touch as I had to be , neither did you try ; You can't point me so ruthlessly and wash your hands .

In the name of EDUCATION
You made me occupy STUDY ROOM

In the name of JOB
You made me move out of TOWN

In the name of CAREER
You asked me to CONCENTRATE

In the name of LIFE
You asked me to get MARRIED

In the name of DREAMS
You kept the distance growing

TODAY You say , "I Changed"
TRUTH is , I'm Still Stuck WITH YOU

A beautiful saying that fits so apt - “It hurts to let go. Sometimes it seems the harder you try to hold on to something or someone the more it wants to get away. You feel like some kind of criminal for having felt, for having wanted. For having wanted to be wanted. It confuses you, because you think that your feelings were wrong and it makes you feel so small because it's so hard to keep it inside when you let it out and it doesn't come back. You're left so alone that you can't explain. Damn, there's nothing like that, is there? I've been there and you have too. You're nodding your head.

I humbly request all , who can't accept me as I am, better that you walk away from my life as you just can't handle your OWN product.

I wish all the best to YOU and Have a happy living :-)

Note : I wonder If I was the only one who has been going through it.If I'm not and you could relate yourself to this . I would highly recommend to forget the past and live the moment friends :) Have a blessed life !!


  1. Nice writing. Naked truth !! Good one.

  2. Nice Read. Good work.
    I too feel that we are product of others wishes than our own thought. from education to job to marriage we follow what others says or lest how they perceive. And in the end it's these people who come up to us and say every now and then that "U have chaged!"... You don't laugh on my jokes like before, you don't send me a morning message as u did in college, you don't come to meet me often! But, somewhr deep down you know, it's the same people who once told you "don't laugh loud what others wud say!", "and everytime you meet them, them just start their gyan on importance of job and getting busy in life!"
    Ruthless hypocrites!
    It's WE who has to decide that we will no longer live our lives on others whim.... It's my life.. so, either my way or Sir, go to high way! :P

    Nice read. Keep writing and keep posting.

  3. When i read your article i thought u were angry but its ur love....sometimes its hard to understand coz we go by wat we see than wat we feel, Chill u hav so many ppl i ur life whom u can continue ur journey with.....All the very best:)

    1. Yeah ! Agreed . When you hear such blunt statements passed you have no other option but to walk off ! Thanks for the wishes :)
