Tuesday, October 14


"Do the work and the price will be paid " is often said , the importance of it proved once again today in my life. Eager to know ? Here it is!

Finishing lunch at office cafeteria , I was walking out. Out of blue moon I see friend Vamsi , after decent time (5 days :P ). We started with a pep talk and landed on the topic , Blog at the end.

He acknowledged me for the latest article Father and how it moved him. Before I could reply , he started introducing me with his other folks explaining about my work in writings , career and how eager he was  like others to read my new article.

I was overwhelmed for few moments , as I was getting celebrity status , though I'm not. Who would mind if you get one ? ;)

Most of them promised to read and follow my page. I hardly believed because the pals I knew did not even bother to see my work , this made me wonder if these new acquaintances would stick to the word given.

Surprisingly , when I logged into FB this evening , they did read my work , messaged me their views .I was so impressed by those folks who stuck to their own word. Eventually the mark that every FB page owner looks for , as soon as they start an official page of their own is achieved. Yes , the first mark "100 Likes" is reached.

This article is dedicated to them who kept me encouraging . I wish to write more often with your support and Almighty's blessing.

Thanks once again for all the love and care.

Until the next article is out , Good Night and God Bless !!

Thursday, October 9


Every person who crosses our path will leave an impression either positive or negative on our skin. Similarly,we do have our own perceptions towards them and leave an impressions on them .One person in our life who always lives behind the screen of the film  he crafted (me/you/us) - concealing his emotions , hiding himself in the shade to throw light on our future , silently baring the pain without expecting an acknowledgement from us. He is not God but he is no less to God , yes the person is FATHER.

 This is an attempt to reveal the emotions of  every Father .,  appreciating the hardships he goes through , not allowing us to even understand his mental stability and thought process in our upbringing .

I wasn't settled yet
Your news bewildered
Hesitant for responsibility
Accepted it , after long introspection

As the date approached
Numerous thoughts whirled my mind
Lonely  prayers I did
Concealing my emotions

The day you born , made me FATHER
The day you called , made me COMPLETE

Before I seal you in my memories
You grew into adult
Started building your career

I melted like candle , to earn a penny for you
I lived in dark ,to let you see the light

You hated me for being strict
You scolded me for being miser

You  noticed the bills I paid ?
You  realized the shield around you?

You didn't know,I ripped myself for you

I'm a person with emotions
I'm a person who just cant display them

I know you are so dear to yourself

I don't complain for your behavior
I stay patient for the day to come

I know you will be ME ,  a "FATHER" !!
                                              © Rahul Raghotham