Tuesday, October 14


"Do the work and the price will be paid " is often said , the importance of it proved once again today in my life. Eager to know ? Here it is!

Finishing lunch at office cafeteria , I was walking out. Out of blue moon I see friend Vamsi , after decent time (5 days :P ). We started with a pep talk and landed on the topic , Blog at the end.

He acknowledged me for the latest article Father and how it moved him. Before I could reply , he started introducing me with his other folks explaining about my work in writings , career and how eager he was  like others to read my new article.

I was overwhelmed for few moments , as I was getting celebrity status , though I'm not. Who would mind if you get one ? ;)

Most of them promised to read and follow my page. I hardly believed because the pals I knew did not even bother to see my work , this made me wonder if these new acquaintances would stick to the word given.

Surprisingly , when I logged into FB this evening , they did read my work , messaged me their views .I was so impressed by those folks who stuck to their own word. Eventually the mark that every FB page owner looks for , as soon as they start an official page of their own is achieved. Yes , the first mark "100 Likes" is reached.

This article is dedicated to them who kept me encouraging . I wish to write more often with your support and Almighty's blessing.

Thanks once again for all the love and care.

Until the next article is out , Good Night and God Bless !!

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