Wednesday, May 28


It’s been quite some time I have written anything. After intriguing long with self I write this article almost after two weeks for a dear friend of mine, currently based out in USA(regret the delay dude). I hope this article of mine (with your theme line as the input) puts your ideas and intentions well.

Unlike my other old posts - this post I write in two parts (Bit lengthy.Kindly bear with me).
One- How I got convinced to write down on my friend’s theme line. Second-The views on the theme line “Blind Following of Sales”.

Part-1 :

It’s Monday morning, I bring all the gut out of the world to make sure I attend the office. It is so common with most of people (Ok, at least I’m like that).The idea of waking up early after a weekend zone is always tough - Corporate colleagues will definitely agree with me.

I shuffle on my bed when my new windows phone starts vibrating, disturbing my sleep. I answer the call absent mindedly – cursing the caller below my breath.

‘Hey, Congratulations on your new blog’, says the caller.

‘Thanks’. I say. I rack my cerebrum to recollect the caller.

‘The way you hit the nerve is appreciative. I read all your posts. I’m very pleased with two articles of yours(ADD ME and Once I Lived Happily)’

Now why on earth, he calls and praises me in the morning. Not that I’m elated by his words, but this point of time (@ 7AM) is something irked me.

‘Thanks bro. Good to hear you liked my writings’

Suddenly it strikes me; he is a colleague of mine who moved recently to USA pursuing his dream of making corpus and this is the time he usually gets free which he mentioned earlier. I felt so bad to myself, to be rude for not recognizing him first and later I get irritated for disturbing my sleep.

After recognizing the caller, I jump into conversation asking his whereabouts. I missed the conversation so badly with him; he is senior to me at work. But the positivity and the vast knowledge he possess in different areas makes me look up to him. I wondered if I can ever match his IQ.

The conversation lasts long than usual. We discussed on individual life, happenings in respective office(s), bitching, motors, technical’s, automobiles so on and so forth. I’m not going to share all those details we had conversed with each other.:D  “You know it’s a GUY’s Talk” ;)

I wanted to share something interesting for sure. Just before he disconnected the call – “Dude, I want you to pen down something that’s whirling in my mind faster than the speed of light since yesterday morning”.

For a minute I try to recollect what’s so profound about yesterday. Oh, yea it was Mother’s Day (11 .May.2014)

I am elated, surprised, honored for being recognized but nervous at the same time .

I calmly ask , “Are you sure?”

“Yes”, he says.

The theme / line is “Blind following of Media Sales” (Ex: Friendship day , Valentine’s day etc.)   He hangs the phone breaking the ice and bids bye for then.

I retire to sleep after he hangs up, but the words he uttered kept running in my mind not letting me sleep anymore.

I write the ideas of someone? ME? Really?

I’m so perplexed with this thought .Writing down borrowed ideas? What if I don’t make justice to the article? What if I write and that ends up worthless? What if the article  I write will put me down in the eyes of my buddy , if I haven’t met his expectations he set on me? 

I try not to pay any heed to this idea and get rolled into my routine. My job has done fair job. I did not have much time to focus my thoughts on jotting down someone’s idea. But, the media leaves me no space and  thoughts take birth again.

The topic is everywhere. I have to make a note on this one? How silly! Is it not so true that -“We need to go through hardships to appreciate the worth of life” .Similarly, don’t we need a day exclusively to please dear one’s in our life?

I borrowed some coffee at cafe during office break to activate myself. My eyes caught an Adv., in newspaper.

Seeing this I smile and laugh to self. I have to pamper my mom? :D As though it’s the only day I do ;) I don’t deny the fact that ladies get pampered by these things but it does help any in long run?

Immediately my thoughts started where I put an end. How false I was. How wrong I was to compare people to events. Of course they are essential but please the loved one's only on a specific day and forget till next year!?                                                           

Ideas kept growing like shrubs, confusion started taking tortoise walk, convincing self at snail's pace was going on in my skull. 

My mobile beep distracts me. I’m so prompt at responding with mobile. It’s a message from my service provider asking if I would like utilize any special offer on this special day. Before I could respond , few more messages flooded my inbox from different business partners to increase their rates in the market asking if I would be interested in availing any of the "DAY"s Offer. These kind of messages irk me so much that I feel like shooting them  right in their forehead.

God knows who has given a special name and allocated a day.

Kudos to my job which left me no time for self until the next two days. During this time I see many more instances like I this and viewed many videos which hardly made any sense.
I’m not being rude, but this really  convinced me to write down the article my friend was suggesting.
I draft an initial version and mail to my friend to check if I have covered all the points. I get instant response – “Yes”.
Sadly, I could  check my mail only after 10 long days i.e., today. I reply – “Thank you”.

Part-2 :

Media - one of the most powerful tools that one can ever think of. But, the intention is taking the wind’s direction. 
I'm not against Media or any person doing their job.It's just an attempt to awaken the commonsense in our brotherhood which has taken the back seat and we become the scapegoats to media/business tactics.

Just before the elections you speak and buzz everywhere about ELECTIONS. Before/on festivals you create excitement and spread the motto behind the festivals. Before/on any special days – Mother’s Day, Father’s Day , Valentine’s Day etc. Before/on any national holidays – Independence Day, Republic Day etc. Really, I don’t know how many such days we do have in our calendar list?!

Media - create short films, publish the advertisements in news papers, do scrolling in TV channels - what not.It does as many gimmicks as it can to grab people’s attention and increase our share of business value and TRP rating  in market.

   ISN’T JUST ANOTHER DAY in our routine? 

How come we suddenly wake up on this specific DAY and do all the polishing and oiling to self and people around us ; by getting trapped in the money game of Media/Business people. Just doing so on this DAY you can make your beloved happy, then what about remaining 364 days?? You can neglect things done by them for you, forget the importance he/she holds in one’s life ! :O

Oh, Yea ! You might sing the old saying “You may have air around us, we need FAN to feel its presence. Similarly we need a day to show case our love to beloved ones”

Give a thought over this.

  1. How many times did you ever speak affectionately to your beloved ones?
  2. When was the last time you took off from your busy schedule to surprise the loved ones?
  3. What was the  craziest thing you did that not only created a memory but left an imprint in their hearts?And when?
You have these moments on your finger tips then you really need a DAY to celebrate: D 
If you don’t have the moments on fingertips and need a paper to jot it down then for sure you created a numerous memories and lived your life.

Sadly, most of us fall in the former and unknowingly become the prey for media tactics.We fall for preys and make them earn.

Did we ever thought , the penny earned was spent wisely?
You are someone who does not want to fall for media tactics and live your own way with joy and peace don’t know how.

Follow the simple tips that will not only improve your relations in LIFE but also makes you feel proud as every penny was rightly spent.

1. Clear distinction between Job / Life / Family: Job, Life and Family - three important balls in one’s life. Even if you drop one ball your living becomes tougher. Manage all of them together. Work during the work hours. Have good personal and family time which makes your life happier.

2. Surprises/Gifts:  The surprise/gifts need not be always an expensive one. More often than not it’s actually the small and little things that we do catch the eye. It marks the importance and leaves a imprint in our beloved mind. A bouquet of flowers /unplanned dinner/ lunch will work amazingly.                    
3.Conversations:  A Conversation with loved ones on every topic you come across to work related or groceries that you need at home/work.Open your heart and share your opinions with each other, It not only makes your life simpler but also improves trust and avoids misunderstandings.

4.Hug/Kiss : A hug or a kiss can make your life more happier. The research articles also speak that hug or kiss multiplies your strength and improves trust and confidence.It also improves health-reduces blood pressure , makes you look younger, reduces stress and many more.Simple yet comes with Combo offer :D

5. Small Break : Go for a break . It could be only you and your loved ones (family/ friends/ wife /lover/kids). Make sure you give the precious time during the break by avoiding the gadget(s) (mobile/laptop/i-pad). 

If you follow these above simple steps then you do not require any special day to celebrate / please your beloved ones. You will not fall for media tactics but you fall for the love web you build in your life.

Have a fun filled and enthusiastic life people!! :)

Got something to share. Please do ! Love to read!

Wednesday, May 14

Once I Lived Happily !

The day starts and ends off with news - positive or negative. The positive news elates us undoubtedly but does negative news move us ? Yes, it does move .

 I was so moved when I read news on rape victims.What wrong did the people do that victims either commit suicide or die out of sheer torture?

 I put myself in the shoes of a rape victim to put her feelings in words before committing suicide.

Once I lived HAPPILY

SMILES spread around
LOVE filled in air
Surrounded by PEOPLE I LIKED


On a CLOUDY  dusty day
YOU, MONSTER, walked into my LIFE
Forced me INTO you
Tearing every part of ME

Unheard of my PAIN
Unmoved by my CRY
Stabbed me wherever you can
YOU left me satisfied like a MORON
I lie untouched like a DEAD BODY

The moments of your GREED
Shattered MY DREAMS
Took  away the ZEAL TO LIVE 

 I stood HELPLESS, cursing my FATE 
Left with no choice , I leave the LAST BREATH


© Rahul Raghotham

Monday, May 12


VOTE serves its purpose better if we can utilize the weapon to empower the nation than just be enrolled in the records of EC (Election Commission)

Vote is not a burden . It's a RESPONSIBILITY ! 

Casting your vote to the right person will develop the locality, region, state and in turn the nation as well.

The thought of getting inked will make look you ugly? But if you don’t get inked today , tomorrow you got a chance to point at ? Absolutely , No !!

What If I don’t cast my vote? Does my vote count? However and whatever we do the nation is never going to develop are the thoughts that revolve in your head?

 Let me highlight you on something:
  1. Why we see a handicapped taking pain to come all the way to polling booth to cast his/her vote? Aren’t they sure if they do not cast his/her vote - the progress of  nation gets HANDICAPPED!
  2. Why senior citizens come and cast their vote? Is it because they gain something fruitful out of it. Dude, what difference it makes to them at that age, but still they do cast the vote. Because, they have gone through the hard ships early in life and know the importance of VOTING.
  3. Why do people portrait their pictures in the social networking sites after casting their votes. Are they FOOLS? No, it shows the pride that comes  after casting the vote!
  4. Not utilizing the power given to us, how can we expect the development? 

 You being educated, qualified enough to understand the circumstances happening in and around the country come up with a lame excuses? Is it worth enough?

Don’t you take a day off from all your work if some occasion happens at your home or at your cousin’s place? Voting too is no less occasion rather it’s a festival of Democracy  and not a Holiday to Relax.We are supposed to participate.

Even a child cannot expect to pass unless he writes in the exam then how can you expect a country to develop and progress without you casting the vote?

Finally one thing , BE "Voter OThe list of Empowerment to a Voter On The list of Election Commission"

I did my part of Voting and  have the right to question.

 You wanna have the same right  ?

 What are you waiting for? Get up and VOTE !