Friday, May 9

Media Used Right !

We are in a era were Technology is ruling over human belief , mentality , peace .

Gadget word is given more importance to Human Word . 

We use media to spit our anger , spread smiles , share laughs and many more .

But did we ever thought of using it for a purpose ?

Watch this video . How effectively an Radio Jockey (RJ)   used the communication media to spread peace and  bring harmony among people.

Come lets join hands to use the media in a right way and support this RJ who has done an excellent work. 

What are you waiting for ?

Share and spread PEACE and HARMONY  among people .


  1. Amazing video! Thanks for sharing it. :)

    In today's scenario, where media is trying to instigate and indicate people into believing various things. This man definitely is a silver lining. He elevated the level of his job with this. Hats off to him..

    Keep writing and keep posting.. :)

    1. Yeah ! Totally agreed. The media is supposed to be the purposeful one but instead its turning out to be pathetic and harmful in many ways.
      Kudos to this guy who did R&D and used media effectively for a purpose .
