Monday, May 12


VOTE serves its purpose better if we can utilize the weapon to empower the nation than just be enrolled in the records of EC (Election Commission)

Vote is not a burden . It's a RESPONSIBILITY ! 

Casting your vote to the right person will develop the locality, region, state and in turn the nation as well.

The thought of getting inked will make look you ugly? But if you don’t get inked today , tomorrow you got a chance to point at ? Absolutely , No !!

What If I don’t cast my vote? Does my vote count? However and whatever we do the nation is never going to develop are the thoughts that revolve in your head?

 Let me highlight you on something:
  1. Why we see a handicapped taking pain to come all the way to polling booth to cast his/her vote? Aren’t they sure if they do not cast his/her vote - the progress of  nation gets HANDICAPPED!
  2. Why senior citizens come and cast their vote? Is it because they gain something fruitful out of it. Dude, what difference it makes to them at that age, but still they do cast the vote. Because, they have gone through the hard ships early in life and know the importance of VOTING.
  3. Why do people portrait their pictures in the social networking sites after casting their votes. Are they FOOLS? No, it shows the pride that comes  after casting the vote!
  4. Not utilizing the power given to us, how can we expect the development? 

 You being educated, qualified enough to understand the circumstances happening in and around the country come up with a lame excuses? Is it worth enough?

Don’t you take a day off from all your work if some occasion happens at your home or at your cousin’s place? Voting too is no less occasion rather it’s a festival of Democracy  and not a Holiday to Relax.We are supposed to participate.

Even a child cannot expect to pass unless he writes in the exam then how can you expect a country to develop and progress without you casting the vote?

Finally one thing , BE "Voter OThe list of Empowerment to a Voter On The list of Election Commission"

I did my part of Voting and  have the right to question.

 You wanna have the same right  ?

 What are you waiting for? Get up and VOTE !


  1. Well said. Especially wit elders. They are the best eye openers as they vote to give the forthcoming generation better leaders .

    Only when we oblige the duties as a citizen we gain the ability to question or endorse a change in system.

    Keep posting :-)

    1. Exactly ! We oblige the duties and expect the things to turn around in positive way which is really STRANGE !!

  2. Great article. I just wish you could have written it earlier, than the last day of election ;) Anyway, as they say, Better late than never. Hope people read your blog and get inspire to go out and vote next time to bring in the change we all wish to see.

    I myself believe that writing is the biggest medium to bring in the change by propagating right idea to people. This idea is worth mentioning and you taking this cause forward with your writing, is simply commendable!!! Indeed, pen is mightier than sword!! (in your case, Keyboard :P )

    Keep writing and keep posting. :)

    1. Haha. After publishing the article even I felt the same :D
