Tuesday, August 12

Sweet Trouble :)

It was one of our usual hangout with close pals to celebrate the day for two reasons . One - Vijay , secured  Masters with full scholarship. Second - The blog I started in recent days helped people to relate (at least for those who follow the blog ;) ) with the articles I have written and made a difference in their own thought process.

We had good time recollecting the old moments , sharing our thoughts /ideas and many other detail things. Arun , suddenly asked me , " Dude , You have any idea of penning down about people in your life , who stood by you ? I want you to pen down as every one will have an idea of writing it but fall short of words."

The question was so straight that I was mock-downed , Just like a boxer gets knocked down by the opponent  in the boxing ring. Not that I did not have any idea to pen it down but it never strikes me about the good people who stayed with me . I said "Sure, Will definitely write ".

 This article is dedicated to all the people who stood by my side all the time.

Sweet Trouble

I started my Living

With lots of excitement
With lots of hope
With lots of Dreams

None known in the city I moved.

I was no good at prediction.
Every interaction made me learn
Every hurdle taught me the true face 

Life is a Roller Coaster , you  say
Its the moments of life , I say

When I had no hope
When I had no zeal
When I had no enthusiasm left

I'm there, You said.

Days passed ,
Things moved  ,
Shared emotions ,
Distance drifted us
There is something unsaid holding us

When I realized ,
My own lines lingered in my mind

If God gives a wish to ask for
I love to ask moments of US
Creating memories for lifetime

TRUTH is , my own shadow leaves me in DARK
How could I ask someone for a LIFETIME when I cant promise myself in DARK ?

If a word of thanks brings SMILE , for the crazy stuff I did
If a word of sorry brings SMILE , for the child I had in me

I wish to be "SWEET TROUBLE ", as you always say

                                                              © Rahul Raghotham

If you could relate to the article and have something to share , would love to know your story as well :)


  1. Finally you did it... Thanks for writing on this article.. Yeah I can always relate to something in my life that you write in your blog. Every one knows that even two best friends are always a strangers once... Who expects that a stranger whom I met in a bus journey while travelling from Bangalore to Hyderabad become one of my best pal in life... :P and then an empty seat in a journey called life is occupied by you... Experienced so many things... We shared so much fun, excitement, scary, fear, happiness, irritation, sad, anger and so many things... I never forget the night we got stuck in mid of Bandipur forest when my bike broke down suddenly.. You and the Vijay was with me... This is just an example... I can say that I have three best friends in IBM (Vijay, Vamsi & you) with whom I can share anything of my life... Thanks a lot to VRL ;)

    1. Glad that you liked the posts.It's a pleasure to pen down the ideas.
      Haha. I wonder how would life be if VRL hasn't come into our lifes ;) :P
      I am grateful for all the kind words you said !! :)

  2. Yet again a wonderful poem which explains everything. You indeed graduated in this regard. :)

    We can never forget ppl for whom all our troubles were Sweet. So poetic! I'm rarely in touch with my school friends or college friends. Since I did my schooling from 5 different states, I don't believe in making long-term friends, rather I prefer treating everyone with me at this present moment as my friend. It's my way of taking it. However, still the moments we cherised together remains. And the day today incidences just keep reminding me of those times... :)

    Nice read as last week it was Friendship day.

    Keep writing and keep posting.

    1. Thanks for the compliment :)
      Good that this article helped you to be nostalgic for few minutes ;)
      True that every moment cherished will live with us all LIFE !

  3. Kudos Rahul, Nice work.. I liked the lines about TRUTH and DARK.. surely would like to snap on that theme..
