Thursday, August 14

Patriot - Limited Edition !

Patriot – The moment this word strikes our ears , our mind runs into history to understand the best meaning of it – one who feels a strong support for their country. 

But, today this word has new meaning. 
Patriot – 'Pat'- 'Riot' .


Yes !! 

May be , you feel bad to read or listen such meaning for this outstanding word. However, going through the scenarios occurring around us signals that we are patting the riots and not backing the real PATRIOT.

Agree. Don't you ?!

One of the most classic examples of being patriotic in modern days is - "Limited Edition".
You might be very unhappy listening the word “ Limited Edition” .
I would like to ask them , who feel that way..”Ain't it the bitter truth?”

Let me explain(in my own of understanding it) for them who think it's fake.
We wake up right before the most important days of our nation – Independence and Republic Day's. We preach the importance of those days to our generation and the forth coming one's too. We even take a step ahead and ask the true patriotic to share his/her experiences and explain the importance of being called -Patriotic.

With the increase impact  of Social Media in one's life we take a step forward to spread the news of the nation's important days and urge/ send request to our friends to change their DP's / to change their Cover Photo's so on and so forth. So , that we can spread the nation unity . Really ??!!

Few of us do not agree to the request(s) send to change the DP's / Cover Photos . It does not imply that  they are against it . It's just that they hate to pretend . 

I really wonder most of the times, How and why  we wake up for a limited period ?

Can you answer yourself few questions that run in common man mind :
  1. How good are you to the country ?
  2. How truly one is following his/her fundamental duties/rights?
  3. How good one stand's for self and for the nation ?

You are running short of an answer. Then , you are definitely a limited edition person who wakes up only for some vague request and even don't mind to bother your pals for the same request you have received.

Some people even take a toll of sending the meaning of each word of our anthem :

Jana = People
Gana = Group
Mana = Mind
Adhinayaka = Leader
Jaya He = Victory Be
Bharata = India
Bhagya = Destiny
Vidhata = Disposer
Punjaba = Punjab
Sindhu = Indus
Gujarata = Gujarat
Maratha = Maharashtra
Dravida = The South
Utkala = Orissa
Banga = Bengal
Vindhya = Vindhyas
Himachala = Himalayas
Yamuna = Yamuna
Ganga = Ganges
Uchchhala = Moving
Jaladhi = Ocean
Taranga = Waves
Tava = Your
Shubha = Auspicious
Naame = name
Jage= Awaken
Tava = Your
Shubha = Auspicious
Aashisha = Blessings
Maage = Ask
Gaahe = Sing
Tava = Your
Jaya = Victory
Gatha = Song
Jana = People
Gana = Group
Mangala = Good Fortune
Dayaka = Giver
Jay He = Victory Be
Bharata = India
Bhagya = Destiny
Vidhata = Dispenser
Jay He, Jay He, Jay He, Jay Jay Jay Jay He = Victory, Victory,Victory, Victory Forever...

I really appreciate their efforts in making people understand the true meaning of our anthem .
But ,sadly none follows it.

If every one does  his/her part true , then do we require such limited editions ? Definitely Not !!

I seriously urge the brains behind the request raisers to open up their views and minds for the unity of nation for a longer period to a limited one.

The soul purpose of this article is to awaken the common sense that is taking the pillion seat in modern days , forgetting one's responsibility to self and to the nation.

I Wish a Happy and Prosperous Day(s) for the Nation's Unity and Integrity :)

Jai Hind !!


  1. A wonderful and timely article. Happy Indepence day to you too. :)

    It's a hard-hitting reality that meaning of patriot changes to such things. Now a days, there are many incidences where some section of people with their vested interest try to rebuke someone's freedom on name of patriotism... But, that is definetly not patriotism, it's chauvinism! And, normal citizens who can do something to change this, chose to sit back. He only remembers his country and duty towards it during independence day or republic day. It's a sham. It's high time that we start treating each n every day as independence and live by the values of this day. As Gandhi ji said- "Be the change you wish to see."

    Keep writing and keep posting.

    1. Thanks Neelam .
      Yes , Sadly we are having more chauvinist's in society , not hard to change them but it takes a long process to make the change happen and see the change we want to have !!

  2. The article came at right time and I am very happy that you wrote on this sensible matter. Yes you are right I am watching this kind of instant patriotism along with the rapid increase in social networking sites' popularity. Leave about something you do to your country but I am sure most of the ppl who ask to change your DP wont even attend the early morning flag host on that day. Actually even that is not necessary. I can say one thing no need to show your patriotism just do your duties on right time perfectly. Follow the traffic rules, Pay income tax and property tax on time, when you buy some property pay the correct amount as registration fee for the value you buy which reduces the most of black money, utilize your vote right properly and many more such small things which is no less than loving ur country and showing ur patriotism.

    1. Thanks Arun :)
      Truly said people awake only on random day and try to show their patriotism . Actions of small things done in a right way will have a larger impact on Nation and it's no less to showering our patriotism towards one's country.
