Wednesday, December 17


I'M - Dream of poor, struggle of common and status of rich. 

Day in and day out you all put in your best efforts to sustain your lives by working hard. Few of you get your wishes fulfilled, few of you undergo the process of struggle and few of you still dare to think of the life you want to live.  

The moment you attain the self goals you have to be happy.Irony is that neither of  you are happy (most of the cases) .Poor envy rich for the things they got because of me and Rich envy poor for the peace of mind they have.

Question is are you  HAPPY and PEACEFUL  because of  ME or CONTENTEDNESS?

You start day with my thought
You envy me for everything i gave 

I'm the reason for the bread on your plate 
I'm the reason for the people around you
I'm the reason behind fragile relationships
I'm the reason for the negative shades in you
I'm the reason for the best life

I'm only the means for your happiness
I'm only the means for the people who stand by you
I'm only the means at times of crisis

In the race of achieving me,you lose peace
In the race of achieving me, you lose character
In the race of achieving me, you lose time
In the race of achieving me , you lose everything

                                                                          © Rahul Raghotham

Friday, December 12

Happy B'day

It's been long I have written any article. Is it the time that hold me back from writing or was it my laziness , I have minimum levels of knowledge to judge. 

Arun  and Vamsi , as always were curious for the next article from me . Whenever this question was asked to me , I just ignored  by shrugging my shoulders.

Better late than never as they , I start fresh again putting down the ideas.

Today , one of the pal from our group is in other part of the globe pursuing his dreams .
Isn't it the best occasion to start again ? I felt that it's the best way to start .

I , along with Arun and Vamsi, take this opportunity to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY  VIJAY. 

We may be miles apart 
We may not exchange words every day 

The bond we share is eternal
Even the unsaid words are understood from our signatures
Every minute we spend, makes us nostalgic 
Even this phase of life shall also pass 

We wait for your return
With the flying colours of  yours 
Brings smile to us .

We pray to God for your Wellness and Prosperity 


                                         © Rahul Raghotham

Tuesday, October 14


"Do the work and the price will be paid " is often said , the importance of it proved once again today in my life. Eager to know ? Here it is!

Finishing lunch at office cafeteria , I was walking out. Out of blue moon I see friend Vamsi , after decent time (5 days :P ). We started with a pep talk and landed on the topic , Blog at the end.

He acknowledged me for the latest article Father and how it moved him. Before I could reply , he started introducing me with his other folks explaining about my work in writings , career and how eager he was  like others to read my new article.

I was overwhelmed for few moments , as I was getting celebrity status , though I'm not. Who would mind if you get one ? ;)

Most of them promised to read and follow my page. I hardly believed because the pals I knew did not even bother to see my work , this made me wonder if these new acquaintances would stick to the word given.

Surprisingly , when I logged into FB this evening , they did read my work , messaged me their views .I was so impressed by those folks who stuck to their own word. Eventually the mark that every FB page owner looks for , as soon as they start an official page of their own is achieved. Yes , the first mark "100 Likes" is reached.

This article is dedicated to them who kept me encouraging . I wish to write more often with your support and Almighty's blessing.

Thanks once again for all the love and care.

Until the next article is out , Good Night and God Bless !!

Thursday, October 9


Every person who crosses our path will leave an impression either positive or negative on our skin. Similarly,we do have our own perceptions towards them and leave an impressions on them .One person in our life who always lives behind the screen of the film  he crafted (me/you/us) - concealing his emotions , hiding himself in the shade to throw light on our future , silently baring the pain without expecting an acknowledgement from us. He is not God but he is no less to God , yes the person is FATHER.

 This is an attempt to reveal the emotions of  every Father .,  appreciating the hardships he goes through , not allowing us to even understand his mental stability and thought process in our upbringing .

I wasn't settled yet
Your news bewildered
Hesitant for responsibility
Accepted it , after long introspection

As the date approached
Numerous thoughts whirled my mind
Lonely  prayers I did
Concealing my emotions

The day you born , made me FATHER
The day you called , made me COMPLETE

Before I seal you in my memories
You grew into adult
Started building your career

I melted like candle , to earn a penny for you
I lived in dark ,to let you see the light

You hated me for being strict
You scolded me for being miser

You  noticed the bills I paid ?
You  realized the shield around you?

You didn't know,I ripped myself for you

I'm a person with emotions
I'm a person who just cant display them

I know you are so dear to yourself

I don't complain for your behavior
I stay patient for the day to come

I know you will be ME ,  a "FATHER" !!
                                              © Rahul Raghotham

Thursday, August 14

Patriot - Limited Edition !

Patriot – The moment this word strikes our ears , our mind runs into history to understand the best meaning of it – one who feels a strong support for their country. 

But, today this word has new meaning. 
Patriot – 'Pat'- 'Riot' .


Yes !! 

May be , you feel bad to read or listen such meaning for this outstanding word. However, going through the scenarios occurring around us signals that we are patting the riots and not backing the real PATRIOT.

Agree. Don't you ?!

One of the most classic examples of being patriotic in modern days is - "Limited Edition".
You might be very unhappy listening the word “ Limited Edition” .
I would like to ask them , who feel that way..”Ain't it the bitter truth?”

Let me explain(in my own of understanding it) for them who think it's fake.
We wake up right before the most important days of our nation – Independence and Republic Day's. We preach the importance of those days to our generation and the forth coming one's too. We even take a step ahead and ask the true patriotic to share his/her experiences and explain the importance of being called -Patriotic.

With the increase impact  of Social Media in one's life we take a step forward to spread the news of the nation's important days and urge/ send request to our friends to change their DP's / to change their Cover Photo's so on and so forth. So , that we can spread the nation unity . Really ??!!

Few of us do not agree to the request(s) send to change the DP's / Cover Photos . It does not imply that  they are against it . It's just that they hate to pretend . 

I really wonder most of the times, How and why  we wake up for a limited period ?

Can you answer yourself few questions that run in common man mind :
  1. How good are you to the country ?
  2. How truly one is following his/her fundamental duties/rights?
  3. How good one stand's for self and for the nation ?

You are running short of an answer. Then , you are definitely a limited edition person who wakes up only for some vague request and even don't mind to bother your pals for the same request you have received.

Some people even take a toll of sending the meaning of each word of our anthem :

Jana = People
Gana = Group
Mana = Mind
Adhinayaka = Leader
Jaya He = Victory Be
Bharata = India
Bhagya = Destiny
Vidhata = Disposer
Punjaba = Punjab
Sindhu = Indus
Gujarata = Gujarat
Maratha = Maharashtra
Dravida = The South
Utkala = Orissa
Banga = Bengal
Vindhya = Vindhyas
Himachala = Himalayas
Yamuna = Yamuna
Ganga = Ganges
Uchchhala = Moving
Jaladhi = Ocean
Taranga = Waves
Tava = Your
Shubha = Auspicious
Naame = name
Jage= Awaken
Tava = Your
Shubha = Auspicious
Aashisha = Blessings
Maage = Ask
Gaahe = Sing
Tava = Your
Jaya = Victory
Gatha = Song
Jana = People
Gana = Group
Mangala = Good Fortune
Dayaka = Giver
Jay He = Victory Be
Bharata = India
Bhagya = Destiny
Vidhata = Dispenser
Jay He, Jay He, Jay He, Jay Jay Jay Jay He = Victory, Victory,Victory, Victory Forever...

I really appreciate their efforts in making people understand the true meaning of our anthem .
But ,sadly none follows it.

If every one does  his/her part true , then do we require such limited editions ? Definitely Not !!

I seriously urge the brains behind the request raisers to open up their views and minds for the unity of nation for a longer period to a limited one.

The soul purpose of this article is to awaken the common sense that is taking the pillion seat in modern days , forgetting one's responsibility to self and to the nation.

I Wish a Happy and Prosperous Day(s) for the Nation's Unity and Integrity :)

Jai Hind !!

Tuesday, August 12

Sweet Trouble :)

It was one of our usual hangout with close pals to celebrate the day for two reasons . One - Vijay , secured  Masters with full scholarship. Second - The blog I started in recent days helped people to relate (at least for those who follow the blog ;) ) with the articles I have written and made a difference in their own thought process.

We had good time recollecting the old moments , sharing our thoughts /ideas and many other detail things. Arun , suddenly asked me , " Dude , You have any idea of penning down about people in your life , who stood by you ? I want you to pen down as every one will have an idea of writing it but fall short of words."

The question was so straight that I was mock-downed , Just like a boxer gets knocked down by the opponent  in the boxing ring. Not that I did not have any idea to pen it down but it never strikes me about the good people who stayed with me . I said "Sure, Will definitely write ".

 This article is dedicated to all the people who stood by my side all the time.

Sweet Trouble

I started my Living

With lots of excitement
With lots of hope
With lots of Dreams

None known in the city I moved.

I was no good at prediction.
Every interaction made me learn
Every hurdle taught me the true face 

Life is a Roller Coaster , you  say
Its the moments of life , I say

When I had no hope
When I had no zeal
When I had no enthusiasm left

I'm there, You said.

Days passed ,
Things moved  ,
Shared emotions ,
Distance drifted us
There is something unsaid holding us

When I realized ,
My own lines lingered in my mind

If God gives a wish to ask for
I love to ask moments of US
Creating memories for lifetime

TRUTH is , my own shadow leaves me in DARK
How could I ask someone for a LIFETIME when I cant promise myself in DARK ?

If a word of thanks brings SMILE , for the crazy stuff I did
If a word of sorry brings SMILE , for the child I had in me

I wish to be "SWEET TROUBLE ", as you always say

                                                              © Rahul Raghotham

If you could relate to the article and have something to share , would love to know your story as well :)

Friday, August 1

DARK - Not Always !!

We open our eyes from DARK to see the beauty in LIGHT and retire our eyes to DARK to embark the moments lived in the light, into memory. It's just a normal phenomenon that nature has defined.The phase of DARK is quite normal and it's inevitable in our life.

Today , when I was sitting in silent , a vague thought came to my mind - DARK ! I started weighing my thoughts to understand(in my own limited enlightenment) why and what we need to face DARK.

The words taught in my childhood replayed exactly -" DIAMOND - precious stone ; A hard carbon which goes through many tough process before it attains it's final state - diamond . Every one look and admire diamond but somehow fear to be one - Diamond ".

Life is no different to nature's rules.Similar to nature , we have to go through high and low points at some point or the other in Life. When we are at the high point we hardly pay any heed to other(s) view - good or bad. But , when we are at low point of life we start cribbing about it. We are sure that outcome of this dark phase of life brings out the right potential which is unseen ; I feel it's the idea of the journey - going through dark/rough phase -- shivers down our spine.

DARK is not that you choose
It's the  CHANCE

DARK is not that determines you
It's the  ATTITUDE

DARK is not that you are inclined for

DARK is not that  pulls you down
It makes you BETTER

DARK is not that frame you want to be 
It's the LIGHT

DARK is not always dark

                                                  © Rahul Raghotham

Tuesday, July 8

You've CHANGED ! I Did ? :O

The monotonous busy life left no space to myself or to the people in my life. Having got some time today I gave call to few of them . I was so excited prior the call .I had many things to share and listen but the words uttered from their mouth at  the first instance was hard to digest.

"You've CHANGED"

The moment I heard them;  I felt so bad  of myself for not calling in regular intervals to know and share the whereabouts of each other . Immediately the conscious mind asked me " Did they ever bothered to call or check on you ?"

"No",spontaneous answer I could HEAR from inside, as its the naked TRUTH .

"So, stop blaming yourself as you are not the only one to be blamed. Even they do share the same amount of blame as you hold", said the voice,from inside.

Thoughts revolved in my head as whirlwind. I could not comprehend anything from them. At the end, after weighing the points, I realized it's not me who kept the distance growing consciously ,in reality,  it was obvious that I ended up keeping busy for whatsoever reason just like YOU .

In fact, you gave me constant rants on getting into best college, you sermon me a life without good education / good job  is nothing, You preached me on "work is worship", so i striven to give more than I have to!!

You were happy at my success levels as it fueled your social respect .

Today, you are telling me , "I Changed!"

I was a  TOY in the blame game , which I never dreamed  of. Just because I'm not in touch as I had to be , neither did you try ; You can't point me so ruthlessly and wash your hands .

In the name of EDUCATION
You made me occupy STUDY ROOM

In the name of JOB
You made me move out of TOWN

In the name of CAREER
You asked me to CONCENTRATE

In the name of LIFE
You asked me to get MARRIED

In the name of DREAMS
You kept the distance growing

TODAY You say , "I Changed"
TRUTH is , I'm Still Stuck WITH YOU

A beautiful saying that fits so apt - “It hurts to let go. Sometimes it seems the harder you try to hold on to something or someone the more it wants to get away. You feel like some kind of criminal for having felt, for having wanted. For having wanted to be wanted. It confuses you, because you think that your feelings were wrong and it makes you feel so small because it's so hard to keep it inside when you let it out and it doesn't come back. You're left so alone that you can't explain. Damn, there's nothing like that, is there? I've been there and you have too. You're nodding your head.

I humbly request all , who can't accept me as I am, better that you walk away from my life as you just can't handle your OWN product.

I wish all the best to YOU and Have a happy living :-)

Note : I wonder If I was the only one who has been going through it.If I'm not and you could relate yourself to this . I would highly recommend to forget the past and live the moment friends :) Have a blessed life !!

Tuesday, July 1

WHAT ? I Can't Hear You :D


Reading Book??!!

You MAD !?

This is one of the customary answer you get to hear , when you reveal that you have learn't an interest i.e., Books - to your peers , folks and acquaintance(s) . They fear and worry as if the whole world burden is  on them to save you from this new hobby .

What will happen to this boy ? Oh ! BOY !!

People who have misconception that reading would kill their productive time and afraid of getting tagged as NERD or GEEK by fellow beings.

Let me tell you the traits of this interest .Probably it might open your view  right and help you understand why people who are acquainted by books are no FOOLS !

  1. Investment : This is one of the best interest someone can invest on , hardly hundred(s) or maximum thousand - economical you know :D  . Not because it gives an instant result but definitely makes you a person you haven't thought of , provided you read the right stuff. Every penny you invested will be payed off .You shall never be disappointed on your money invested because it's not the milk that splits it's the word that impacts your nervous system to grow big and good .

  2. Perception : The more you read , the broader is your view , the deeper is your understanding and finally the analysis of a given situation / complexity will allow you to precept things out of box and make you stand UNIQUE.
  3. Time : Oh! Yes ! Every second you spend with the right book is well utilized . You will never repent for the time spent on finishing the book. 
  4. Hunger : The hunger for learning more , knowing things right and better increases exponentially . You look around for things ; nothing but for one thing - “BOOKS” 
  5. Texture : Before you could realize what impact books do , you change completely. Your texture improves - right words used at the right moment. You learn to use “LANGUAGE” right . 
  6. Patience : Finishing a book or learning a new thing is no cake walk . You got to be absolutely patient . With time you learn and put this new art in LIFE as well , to deal things when the situation is no right .

  7. Ideas : Given a situation you would think realistic and genuine . Given a place you would think how beautiful you can make the moment and cherish it later . Given the time you would love to cherish with a “book “.
  1. Friend : It's not a dog / cat that stays with you in adverse situations . But it could be a real booster when people turn you down or walk away from you. Books shapes you not physically but mentally , motivates you and helps you in going forward in LIFE.
As the saying goes  - "BOOK is one thing in world which never turns it face to reveal the TRUTH”

My dear Book Haters you got something to say ? HELLO !!

WHAT ?  I Can't Hear You :D 

LIFE is BLISS with a BOOK  :) 

Happy Reading :-)